Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spicey India

Nancy - Rishikesh India

There are only eight days remaining of this time here in India. My second practicum (teaching experience) was on Friday. I was a bit thrown off to have other people from the ashram (not in our teaching program) join my class, this made me a bit self conscious. Good experience I guess but definitely not my best performance. Our essays are due on Monday (that I have not yet written) and third practicum TBD for next week. Although, I am trying so hard not to wish this time away and soak in all that is here and all the great people that are here with me, I do find myself yearning for the comforts of home. I'm excited about the next step of this new journey.

I miss my little happy Railey. We learnt a spinal warm up the other day called happy puppy that reminded me of him. Standing on hands and knees swing hips side to side like a happy puppy.

For valentines day Dean had flowers arranged for me (which I found out later was a challenge in itself). It was such a nice surprise to come back from class and see a bunch of roses perched at my bedroom door with a card from Dean.  At first I thought, "oh my god is he here!" but no, he had Meera from the office arrange it. Sweet .. shmmoooo.  I put them in my Neti Pot cause I didn't have a vase. Purty.

This mono diet has made many of us here almost obsessive about foods from home. I had an in-depth conversation with some other students yesterday about guacamole and home-made pizza. We take daily runs to the General store to get chocolate, cookies, granola, nuts and sometimes fresh bread! But still there are cravings that chocolate and cookies can not satisfy.. fresh veggies and hummus would be so good right now! The Indian spices are starting to seep out our pores. It's quite alarming... is that me?

There is an Ayurvedic Conference on in Rishikesh this week so lots of internationally recognized speakers, doctors etc. are arriving. Next Tuesday we will have our morning class taught by a 101 year old Yogi. I'll let you know how that goes and try to get some picts.  Also we are lucky to have a guest speaker Mother Maya coming in to talk to us about Ahimsa (compassionate living).

Today is beautiful and sunny, after three days of rain it's so nice to see sun. Simple things make me happy now.. Morning class was amazing and invigorating then for breakfast they served the yummy breakfast samosas again!!! Finally something edible to be excited about.You can't even begin to imagine how happy we all were. Banana and apple baked in cinnamon and wrapped in pastry.. yum-mmy it's like little breakfast fruit pies!

It's going to be a good day in Rishikesh ! Just need to get this essay written first.

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